In the past several years our STAR leaders have developed a partnership with the students of ICE Dance Studios and traveled to their studio in Kansas City to teach several acrobatic and stunting master classes . These master classes were taught by our STAR leaders with the intention of sharing their talents with others, developing leadership qualities through community outreach projects, but more importantly establishing relationships and friendships with other dancers outside of our small little comfort zone in rural Missouri.
This year in hopes to continue this growth of leadership in our Taking Shape STAR program, our students invited ICE Dance Studio to come to our hometown and experience a workshop of aerial silks, trampoline, tumbling and leadership activities.
Wow! What an experience it was to sit back and watch! STAR leaders took ownership of the event. They not only took pride in the event by preparing the studio for their visitors but they organized and carried out all of the activities from beginning to end from introductions, to teaching rotations, to leadership games and a pizza party, even cleaning up! . It was so neat to watch leadership in true fashion from our young STAR leaders and the friendships they developed by sharing their passion!
I truly believe that leadership is not something easily achieved. Some kids are born natural leaders. Others struggle with confidence and correct tools needed to be successful in leadership roles. What I do know is this…….. Children are sponges and if given opportunities and put in situations where they are exposed to values, character, leadership opportunities, they rise to the occasion.
We are looking forward to being the catalyst for this ripple effect as we partner with others Here, Near and Far to create young leaders of the next generation.
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